It’s 2am..Do You Know Where Your CALI Authorization Code Is?

2260860861_4dbe1e999aIt’s the moooooooost wonderful tiiiiiiiiiiiime of the yeeeeeeeeear!

Yes, law school finals time!  Well, it’s wonderful for us at CALI®, maybe not so much for law students taking the exams and the law professors that will have to grade them or the IT departments dealing with grading software installations or librarians having to staff libraries for extended hours.  But other than that…

CALI Lessons are a great tool to use throughout the semester, but we do realize that finals time is when students really flock to the site and start running lessons. We also know that law students like to run lessons in the afternoons and evenings, long after most law school faculty and staff have gone home.

As you (hopefully) know, CALI Lessons are absolutely free for all students, faculty and staff of CALI member schools.  We know someone is a student, faculty or staff member at a member school because in order to use CALI Lessons you need to register on the site, and in order to register on the site, you need a CALI Authorization Code.   CALI Authorization Codes are distributed by the Authorization Code Contact of each school.

You see why the late evening study habits of law students and the diurnal working hours of most law school faculty and staff can be an issue now, right?

If you are a student, please do not wait until the last minute to register on the site.  Go get your CALI Authorization Code now and register. No, right now.  Go. GO.

If you are a staff or faculty member, there are a few ways you can avoid late night panicked emails and messages from students.  We have a boilerplate email you can send to students explaining what CALI lessons are and what your school authorization code is.   You can also post the CALI code behind password protected websites or intranets.  And you are more than welcome to put the CALI Authorization Code cards you’ve been sent in the library at the reference or circulation desks. Don’t have any more cards? We can send you some or if you would like to make your own, a MS Word Template is available.


Photo Credit: FJTUrban (sommelier d mojitos) via Compfight cc

