CHANGELOG 7/19/2017

Note: This is something new. CHANGELOG will be an occasional feature letting you know about changes to various CALI websites. It will be mostly technical in nature but will include initial listings of new features.

Updates to

In preparation for the release of QuizWright the following updates were made to the CALI website:

  • The salutation in the AutoPublish email was fixed to include the teacher’s first name.
  • The format of the URL listed in the AutoPublish email was changed to match the listing on the AutoPublish dashboard.
  • The AutoPublish dashboard was refreshed to list published AutoPublish resources on the first AutoPublish page.
  • LessonLink was updated to add AutoPublish resources to the topic pick list. This lets teachers add AutoPublish resources to LessonLink sets displayed on Courses pages.
  • The email sent when LessonLinks are created was updated to include AutoPublish resources that are part of the LessonLink set.

Updates to

The Classcaster network was updated to WordPress 4.8. All available plugin and theme updates were applied.


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