17. Differences between a popup and a 'Page link'

Both popups and 'Page links' or 'jump links' are accessed by hypertext. That is, a word, phrase or sentence is underlined and highlighted in blue in CALI Author because you have decided to link the selected text to either a popup or a 'Page link'. A popup overlays part of the 'Book page' and allows the student to read the popup and immediately return to the remaining text on the page. A 'Page link', in contrast, moves the student to another 'Book page'.

Popups are generally used to convey additional information, such as a definition or case citation, to the student. Several points in a lesson can link to a single popup. Conversely, a 'Page link' permits students to bypass the standard menu structure and skip to a specific section of the lesson. For example, suppose you had a section with several questions covering a particular concept. At the conclusion of the series of questions you could ask the student whether she wanted to review    the material again, or go on. You could use a 'Page link' to allow the student to review the material. Finally, the most significant difference between a popup and a 'Page Link' is that while a popup allows students to read additional    material without leaving the sequence of 'Book pages' and without leaving the original page, a 'Page link' takes students away from the original page. To return to the original page after following a 'Page link', students must click    on the Back arrow on the tool bar. And, if the student can gone through several pages since following the link, he must use the Back arrow repeatedly to return to his original place in the lesson.

As alternative to the Back arrow, some faculty create a Toolbar button that will allow students to follow a jump link to another section of the lesson. When the student has completed that section he can use the Toolbar button to return to the original course of study. For example, a lesson may have a series of questions 1-7. At Question 6 the student is asked if he would like to review the material before attempting Question 7. A "Yes" response branches the student back to Question 1. Because the author has placed a Toolbar button on Question 6, it is now visible to the student as he works through Questions 1-6 again. And, when the student is ready, he can click the Toolbar button which would, in this example, take him to Question 7.