2010-2011 CALI Lesson DVDs at Your Law School

With law school orientation just around the corner, the 2010-11 CALI Lesson DVDs and a new batch of updated authorization code cards should be arriving soon at all CALI member law schools, if they have not already. Member schools should hand DVDs out to all of their students, but especially 1Ls.

While the DVDs are a great initial introduction to CALI for students and also come in handy at times when students might not have access to the internet, remember that the online version of the CALI Library of Lessons is the most up-to-date. So please, encourage students who have not yet done so to register here at cali.org using your school's student authorization code. Here's an FAQ for students who need to register at cali.org, and one for students who registered but cannot access the lessons (i.e., are probably registered as a guest).

You may even want to assign a CALI Lesson to your incoming students - Avoiding Plagiarism and Punctuation and Grammar Basics are popular choices among schools that assign a lesson during orientation. Your students will learn something important from those lessons, of course. But they will also get that initial authorization code registration out of the way at cali.org, and they will learn that your school provides them with a free resource.

Learn more about CALI DVD-Roms here.